
rebel without a cause

Thursday April 22, 2010 at 10:21 AM

I want to play a game.

I want you to show me who your Twilight cast would be.....

only using actors and actresses from Old Hollywood.

basically your actors and actresses have to be dead. and can't be born before after 1940.

Is your Edward, James Dean? Gene Kelly? Marlon?


Is your Bella, Lauren Becall? Elizabeth Taylor?

Show me, show me.




Montgomery Clift thanks you for your time

this post is basically an excuse so that I can be spammed with Old Hollywood actors to add to my collection.


The evolution of your FF likes

Thursday April 22, 2010 at 9:05 AM

So, the campfire about what you can't read anymore inspired me.

I'm asking you the same thing, except it would be more like "what do you read now that you didn't read at the beginning of your FF obsession?"

Personally, for the first two months of my FF addiction, I didn't read AH (ew, I mean, if they're not vampires, WHAT'S THE POINT?). And then one day, I just tried it, and now I read it as much as AU (mmm. Geekward. *drool).

I had a breaf love affair with the Bella/Jasper ship but I broke up with it and went back to Edward/Bella. You know what they say about old habits

I also found the idea of Jasper/Edward slash completely creepy and weird for the longest time, but I'm starting to see the appeal of it now. I still haven't read any slash, but.... Maybe in the near future. Perhaps. Omg don't rush me, I'm just warming up to it.

I also didn't read lemons at first!



And then I read The Office.

Yeah. That changed my mind pretty quickly.

So, campers? What did you not like in the past that you like/adore right now in FF?



Is Fanfiction ruining your life?

Thursday April 22, 2010 at 8:52 AM

Sometimes I really think that all of the years that I've spent obsessing over fanfiction have melted my brain.  I've been sitting in the library on campus for a few hours trying to write a paper for my spiritual ideal class and all I can think about is whether or not my fics have updated.  It seems to be worming its way into every part of my life.  When I sleep I dream about fanfiction, when I eat certain foods I'm reminded of stories, when I'm in class I'm on my laptop rereading stories that I've read a bajillion times. 

I took my GRE a couple of weeks ago and I did terrible.  I feel like sometimes fanfiction can be so simple, at least structurally, that I don't really get anything out of it besides instant gratification.  WHEN WILL THE MADNESS END?  

So, does anyone else feel like this is taking over your life? Or am I just crazy? And if you've discovered some sort of fanfiction rehab please let me know.


No, I don't read that sh*t

Thursday April 22, 2010 at 8:08 AM

Oh, the good old days, when I'd give just about anything a chance. I remember them fondly. Now, I have 348,334,293 requirements before I start a fic. Is Edward an addict? No thanks, I read at least three fics like that so I'm done. Did Edward raise Bella? Get the f*ck out of my face. Is Charlie mean and abusive? Goodbye. I won't go into every single thing I say "Turpentine" to, but I'll tell you the two things that I ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT STAND FOR:

1. Did you replace Kristen with some other actress on your banner even though Bella is somewhere between the ages of 16 and 28? Goodbye. You're just a hater and I won't read your stuff. I'm offending so many people right now, but you offended me first, so whatever.



2. EDWARD MASEN. UM, NO THANKS. I know there are a lot of awesome Edward Masens. I believe my dear friend and beta Writeontime made Edward a Masen in TPAP (errr, right?), and I read it and loved it, but that was before I realized, I DON'T WANT EDWARD MASEN, I WANT EDWARD CULLEN.

Why? Well, because of this:

"Hello, I'm sorry I didnt get to introduce myself last week, I'm Edward Cullen."


(sidenote: I'm glad the great SR who writes UoEM made Edward a Masen, because... Yeah. I'll stfu now.)

okay so now I want you guys to share what turns YOU off. PLEASE? AND I'M SORRY IF I OFFENDED YOU. I JUST LOVE EDWARD CULLEN.


A wonderful, canon, fanfiction

Thursday April 22, 2010 at 7:40 AM

I am not sure how many of you out there have read this fic, but I thought I would recommend it in case.

It has a really low review count, but the author has said that she isn't interested in getting reviews and doesn't care whether we do review or not. Although I try to review everything I read, I have decided to wait until I have finished reading it, because my brain is not capable of complete sentences when I read it.

It starts just after Breaking Dawn, with a young Nessie (about 9mths in real time, looking like a 6 yro) growing up amongst her varied family. It is told from the point of view of Jacob and the voice the author uses is very true to the Jake chapters in BD.

I have no affiliation with the author. I haven't so much as PM'd her yet. I plan on showing my love for her writing very soon, though, because she deserves nothing less.

So, if you are interested in a good, long, canon, post-BD fic, have a go at this one.

I'd be interested in hearing whether any of you have read it. If you haven't, what is your favourite Canon fic?


Srs Bsns post

Thursday April 22, 2010 at 7:19 AM


So I am on other bulletin boards, right? (gasp! adulterer!)

There have been some discusssions about the relationship between sexting and sending pics of "hot bods" (gender neutral of COURSE).

Basically this was what was said this morning (not verbatim-but the general idea):

"some person(17 years old) sent my child (16) a nude picture of themselves on the child's cell phone and then my child sent it to a few of their friends, thinking it was funny. The authority at school got wind of it and called the police."

Then also this: 

"The craziness here is that just recently, hollywood has been showing Taylor Lautner  like a piece of "wonderfully yummy bear meat and that was "okay."  Do we wonder kids don't understand?"

My question is this:

Are we contributing to the delinquency of minors?  What does that even mean?  I know we have had "law talk" before, but I would love to discuss this within this light and circumstance of the new "sexting" laws and how it will be affecting us(on the internet, as cell phones and internet go hand-in-hand today) both short and long term.

LETTUCDISCUSS. (omg I got my new John Deere tractor yesterday and I am in LURVE with new Green Machine!)

(I will be back later on this evening-let's remember to post our opinions as opinions, no man has the corner on the Truth, and NO FLAMES! unless its PASSIONATE LOVE for one another!)



Thursday April 22, 2010 at 6:53 AM

Well, Hello there! Its probably have no idea who I am! Oh woe is me! Anyhoo... I found this totally adorable pic of the Cullen family:

Isnt it adorable!!!!!

LJ Summers

The Anti-Cast

Thursday April 22, 2010 at 5:27 AM

 Oh, sure, we can people the Twiverse with the Perfect Cast (according to our personal preferences and specifications) and we do. Often.

But what about the Anti-Cast?  The actors that should on NO ACCOUNT be allowed to play these roles, ever?


It's Jack Nicholson's 73rd birthday today.  Even in his heyday, I would never have wanted him to play, oh, CARLISLE CULLEN.  

On the other hand...  Hmmm... Might he have brought a whole new skew to the role?  Mwahahha!


"I'm afraid you're going to have to make a choice."   Carlisle Cullen  Twilight, chapter 19


So! Who is on your Anti-Cast?  The most NO WAY ON THIS PLANET Edward?  The Don't Even THINK About It ALICE?

ETA: Yeah, I know Nicholson's too old right now, but this is all a mind-game anyway, right? :) 


Need a Story!!

Thursday April 22, 2010 at 12:57 AM

Am I getting annoying? I'm sorry!! You guys all gave me really good stories and I read all of them, but now I NEED more (wow.....i sound like an addict)!Can you give more stories? Please? Lets recap:

I want a story where Bella has really cool powers or is one of the supernatural (witch, goddess, angel, feind, fairy,etc.), or where shes a werewolf.

I also love Emmett so any story with him is pretty awsome. But the super stories dont have to be Em/B.

It cant be AH though cause I dont do that stuff. I mean if its Twilight the vamps arent supposed to be human right? I dont get some people, but I guess its their taste.

Thank you guys!!!


Awesome fic - must read

Wednesday April 21, 2010 at 10:02 PM

Hi all you people who like getting fic recs. I've got one for you that's just been updated.


Weighing In: Losing to Gain

Overweight and under-appreciated, Bella has stalled at life. When the chance arises to compete on America's favorite weight loss game show, will she take the opportunity to change her life and find love in the process? AH

Don't judge this story by its summary, I did and nearly missed out on such a great read. Do not hesitate, walk, don't run and read this amazing story, then review it because HEAR deserves lots and lots of reviews.



Get me through the field trip...

Wednesday April 21, 2010 at 9:22 PM

I'm going on a field trip with the entire 3rd grade on Friday.    There's a 2 1/2 hour bus trip there and back.    I need a nice LONG completed story to get me through the drive.   A nice "Calgon take me away" story.    Hit me with your best shot.   I need some recs!



Wednesday April 21, 2010 at 9:11 PM

PLEASE COMMENT ON THIS pic that just surfaced.

excess at march 3 bobby long show in london.


I'm all out of witty title names today

Wednesday April 21, 2010 at 9:06 PM

So, there's been campfires about who you'd like to play different characters from Twi before. There's been a campfire or two about what fanfics you'd like to see turned into movies. Now, I'm asking you this:

Pick one fanfic. Only one. That would would like to see turned into a film. Now that you've picked one, I want you to CAST it too. And to tell me WHY you picked that fanfic.

So please, humor me with this because I am very bored and am running out of reasons not to write. I'm interested in what everyone's picks would be - fanfic and actor wise. Plus I even went and made the post all pretty with different colors, not to mention the pretty below.



Your Opinion Matters...To Meh

Wednesday April 21, 2010 at 9:05 PM

Umm...Hi, Campers!

So, I write some fic. Kinda underground, cult/indie type stuff you prolly haven't heard of. This is my first campfire and I'm nervous - sweaty palmed and heart beating like a hummingbird - so, be gentle? I am a virgin, after all.

I've noticed a lot of differing opinions from the lovely ladies on this site, and I wanted to pose a coupla q's:

1. Do you tend to search for fic or wait for it to be recommended to you? Either way, will a summary deter you from reading or will you give a fic a shot 'just to see'? Also, does it hinder you from reading if the story has a low review count?

2. My writing stems from life experiences...and I don't shy away from this fact. Does knowing too much about an author turn you off to their writing? Or does it draw you in more and make the reading experience more interactive? Does 'knowing' a writer outside of the direct FFN 'bubble' wear down the third wall and make you have less respect for them?

Anyhoo...that's all I have.





Black Dagger Brotherhood?

Wednesday April 21, 2010 at 8:25 PM

I can't remember if we have had a campfire about this or not. If so, I can't find it.

Who has read these? Are they any good? Seems like fun, campy, vampire smut. Good? Bad? The vampire porn you hoped Breaking Dawn would be? 


i thought this was a great video

Wednesday April 21, 2010 at 7:29 PM

 you guys should really check out this new moon video it really hIts you to the core..



Rob, I didn't know you were a dancer.

Wednesday April 21, 2010 at 7:18 PM

So I was looking around some of my favorite random websites... you know,, I got to awkwardfamilyphotos and...


To make this interactive:

Have you ever seen a doppleganger for any of the Twilight cast? Like a celebrity or a person at the supermarket? If you have pictures, post them.


Twilight Funnies

Wednesday April 21, 2010 at 7:09 PM

I love looking for humourous Twilight spiffs.. art.. manips.. anything to make me laugh.

Anyone have some to share? Here are a few of my favorites.


Preview of Eclipse Trailer

Wednesday April 21, 2010 at 6:10 PM


New pic of Robert

Wednesday April 21, 2010 at 6:06 PM

from the other night when he was out with TOM, Marcus and Bobby. I'd tap that. ;)


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