
Bad Reviews

Tuesday April 20, 2010 at 1:49 PM

Hi there,

I've had my second ever bad review today.  I don't feel hugely upset by it; it wasn't the most constructive of comments but I guess I am a little bemused at what I did so wrong in this person's eyes that I deserve such a raking over the coals.  Both of my bad reviews haven't had anything in way of explanation; I'll not say what the second one said but the first one was "Well thats f*cked".

If I read something and I really wasn't impressed I would just think "well that was poor" and move on, I wouldn't leave a review.  If I read something, thought one or two points let it down and passing this information on might be good feedback for the author, I would try and find a nice way to say this in a review (positive-negative-positive sandwich probably).  But I don't really get the motivation behind such a blunt, unexplained comment.  The only explanation I can think of is that person detested it so much and felt so passionately that they were unable to let it go.  But then I think surely my writing isn't that bad, or am I just blind to the fact and my writing IS that bad?

Or do some people just get off on being drama queens?  :D  And feel the need to tell something they're producing the most awful fiction in the world when really, ok the story isn't quite their cup of tea and the writing isn't the smoothest ever but on the whole its reasonable?


Blurring Fics

Tuesday April 20, 2010 at 12:39 PM

 So many fics are starting to blur together for me and I'm having a hard time remembering what happens in which story.  Rec me some unique fic, please?  It can be any genre, pairing.  


I've also been looking for some blue collar (even poor) lead male character stories and military stories where the male lead returns wounded and recovers.  I've been enjoying stories with more realistic characters in them. Any recs?  Thank you much!


In remembrance 4-20-99

Tuesday April 20, 2010 at 11:09 AM

Hi everyone!

Many of you may not remember but today marks to anniversary of the shooting at Columbine Highschool - 11 years ago.

An incredibly devastating tragedy in American history.

I have been feeling extremely sad and am hoping you guys can offer comfort in the form of fic reqs [or any kind words].

This may sound so juvenille, but sometimes I wish Edward and the Cullens were real and could help people - like, really help people in need...maybe I am treading down this depressing train of thought simply because of how sad I am - but, would the Cullens have helped people who needed saving or did Edward's "heroism" end with Bella?

If it was Jessica being attacked by those guys in Port Angeles - would he have intervened? I know Midnight Sun explains that he would but it seemed like an afterthought on Meyer's part to me.


***** I hope this is not against the ADF rules and am deeply sorry if I have inadvertantly [and unintentionally] broken any [rules]. Please delete this topic if it is inappropriate. ******


a FIC req

Tuesday April 20, 2010 at 10:38 AM

I am in the mood for a good fic where edward is a pofessional athelete.  He can play any sport really. Prefer one that is complete and E/B please.  Good lemmons and hot bods!!!! Oh please give me something to make the time pass.....Ill be waiting!!

Thank You!


dear so-and-so

Tuesday April 20, 2010 at 10:01 AM

write a letter to someone

a ranger, another camper, rob, the smeyer or other fanfiction writers, etc

dear lillybellis-

have you stumbled into a sugar-induced coma due to all the pocky i sent you?

i miss you- wtdboc


dear cathmarchr-

i am very excited about our bonesfic collab.  please to be finishing your current project so i can write sexy things.

invadingly, wtdboc


dear rob-

while on the surface i appear to be nothing but boreanaz-driven, i do still have love for you.  never forget that.  ours was a short but intense fling, and i'll always have a worrisome collection of your pictures on my hard drive remember with fond times what fun we had.

regards, wtdboc


dear hart hanson-

if booth and brennan do something to eff up my hopes and dreams for them in the season finale, i will be storming the fox lot and shaking an angry fist in your general direction.

with hope and patience, wtdboc


your turn, campers. 


Hey There Daytrippers!!

Tuesday April 20, 2010 at 8:48 AM

Hola Campers!!

It's almost noon here and things are kinda quiet. 

I work from home, and throughout the day I am on my computer off and on pretty much all day.  And I usually STAY signed in on Twitter (unless I'm trying to write and I shut off all distractions).  What I've noticed are the patterns of when certain people are online.  Like, when I'm getting ready for bed, DameNellie and Jennday are usually complaining about work.  Or Stalle is usually starting her work day just when I'm getting my first cup of coffee. I don't think Tkmoon or Erica_lopeezy ever sleep.

(i'm a photographer and a writer--and i'm nosey...i can't help but be super observant)

So my question is this:


do you work from home?

do you work at all?

do you get online when you can between classes or tweet from yer phone?

do you come play in the Forest or read FF when yer supposed be hard at work?


inquiring minds wanna know

and because I'm partial to his face...



Fic Rec

Tuesday April 20, 2010 at 8:18 AM

Hi Chickens!

This may have already been done by somehere, but I can't recall. I am recc'ing a fic from Rochelle Allison (You may know her as the wonderful lady who gave us Volition). Anywho, she had started a new story called With or Without You. I am seriously loving this fic. Give it a shot.


Here is the link:


Much love to you all! Mwah!




Tuesday April 20, 2010 at 7:52 AM

Okay I am so happy right about now!

I'm not going to fail my pharmaceutics module (unless something terrible happens but meh!) and it looks like I'm gunna pass my chemistry module (the coursework part) too :D 

So I am super happy, and wanna share the love, so what have been your accomplishments this week? or this month? or even this year?

I wanna hear some happy stories, to keep up my happy mood...'cause damn I'm such a happy camper :D:D



Free Writinggggg~

Tuesday April 20, 2010 at 4:32 AM

 So this morning I was writing, it was around 5am. I was writing some of this chapter and I realized in the middle of it, it didn't feel like a job. It was just coming easily (twss) and it felt nice. (..that whole sentence could be a twss)

Because before this morning, that's exactly what it felt like. A job.

And no one likes jobs. Cause I mean, you have to do stuff. :P But anyhow,  it felt nice and it was one of those writing highs (420?) and it felt like a hobby again. 

Have you ever been through this? Cause I need it to stay like this, gets stress out. And if writing does feel like a job to you, what do you do to get out of it?

I'd post a picture, but no.

And I don't think it needs approval, writing - ff. whatever(:


No Words!

Tuesday April 20, 2010 at 3:22 AM

I have just found my most favourite picture in the universe. I just..... PHWOAR


Upcoming movies

Monday April 19, 2010 at 10:57 PM

There are a lot of ~highly anticipated movies coming out this year.

Which ones are you looking forward to? BESIDES ECLIPSE


for me it's:




and this, even though it looks really shitty. I wanna see it anyways:





Birthday Freebies

Monday April 19, 2010 at 7:16 PM

Ranger Gianormous Purple Font was talking about getting her birthday gift/coupon from somewhere the other day, and it got me thinking: "I'm really cheap poor. I want more free stuff for my birthday!"

So we're going to use this campfire to share places where everyone should sign up to get coupons for cheap stuff or free stuff on their birthdays.

The one I can give is the
Cold Stone Creamery Birthday Club - you get a free ice cream on your birthday!

If you live in the D.C. metro area: I used to get a Papa John's coupon for free cheesesticks when I was signed up as an insider on DC101.

ETA: Oh shiz! I can't believe I forgot Starbucks Rewards Program! Free drink on your birthday if you're a member.

So lay some more on me, I want a slew of good stuff on my birthday.

Also, if you want, leave your birthday in here (year is not necessary), and when I'm procrastinating during finals (because that is not at all what I'm doing right now) I might put together an ADF birthday gdoc (I don't know if anyone would want that, but, look, procrastination projects do not have to make sense, 'kay?), unless one exists already.

This exercise in not doing what I'm supposed to be doing approved by Emibella.


I'm bored... Let's talk about sex (...not really)

Monday April 19, 2010 at 7:09 PM

So I was thinking earlier... I've read good smut, bad smut, funny smut, smut that horrified me. There are some scenes I've read that I've memorized because they were so hysterical that I have to share them with everyone I come across (okay, not everyone...).

(speaking of memorizing entire chapters... where's ranger Tor?)

Now, my question to you is: have you ever read smut that simply SHOCKED you? Where you had to go back and read it again because THERE'S NO WAY THAT JUST HAPPENED? Have you ever read smut you'd do ANYTHING to forget?

Or if you feel like being nice today, tell me if there's any TwiSex that you think was awesome. Hot, pretty, real... whatever.

I haven't read smut in so long that I kinda miss it. SO LET'S TALK ABOUT IT. OMG DON'T IGNORE ME -- I'M SO BORED.




Fic download for iPhone/Touch

Monday April 19, 2010 at 7:06 PM

A few people asked me about this and what I used so I thought it woudl be a good idea to post it up on the board.

I use 2 laptop programs plus an ap to download fics and then get them on my touch. It sound's complicated but it's actually really easy.

You'll need these two programes:- program downloads from supported fic sites - Twilighted isn't supported - and stores the fics on your computer) (this program allows your computer to transfer the fics in a e-book format to your Phone/Touch)

You'll also need the Stanza ap on your phone/touch.

Once you have the programs downloaded they're pretty easy and fast to use - just remember that bothe your computer and pod need to be on the same net provider so they can  connect.

 ETA - Here is the link I read to help me understand how to use the programs together.




New Host Chapter!

Monday April 19, 2010 at 6:40 PM


Has anyone read the new chapter in the Host released with the paperback version?  I really enjoyed the Host and really want to read the new chapter...but I had already bought the hardback version back when it came out.  And I live in a tiny town so popping into a bookstore to just read that one chapter is nearly an all day excursion.


Have you read it?  Do you like it?  Is it really something good, or just a gimmick to have people buy The Host all over again?

Lettuce discuss....


Funny video

Monday April 19, 2010 at 6:30 PM

Someone forwarded me this video and I felt the need to share it, as I found it to be quite funny. This is my first campfire, so hopefully this worked. Hope you guys enjoy it!



Trouty Mouth


Monday April 19, 2010 at 6:26 PM

 Today (instead of taking notes in class) I started thinking about the 20 question game Edward and Bella played, but I couldn't remember if it was in the actual book or I read it in a fic. I think it was in the book right?

Anyways... let's play the 10 question game (to make it faster)

Post your own questions too!

1. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

2. Are you a morning or a night person?

3. What is you dream car?

4. What is the wallpaper on your phone or laptop?

5. Who is your favorite actor/actress?

6. what are you listening to? 

7. Which TV show have you seen pretty much every episode of?

8. Are you a collector of anything?

9. Do you believe in ghosts?

10. Any tattoos or piercings?



Twilight in a nutshell?

Monday April 19, 2010 at 6:08 PM

Do you think this sums up Twilight?  If not, then what does?




The Great ADF Postcard Collection

Monday April 19, 2010 at 6:02 PM

A lot of people on twitter have been asking for an update, so here is an update with PICTURES!

Do you see YOUR POSTCARD?? Tell us which one it is!!

Did you mail a postcard??? Let me know!

Do you want to mail a postcard?? Email me at or PM me!

I am astounded at all of these and I would love for you guys to claim them, so many have been so great!! We will be putting them up on some maps in a few weeks so there is still plenty of time to get involved. I started early knowing some far away post offices can be slow.  



Monday April 19, 2010 at 5:33 PM

 So, I got this review.  Your typical flame, right.  Basically this is how she should act, this is what he should say, nice try but I've seen better.  Blah Blah Blah.  That's fine.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I won't begrudge someone for not liking what I write.  

But this reviewer also added the story to her alerts.

And I am baffled.  Truly.  

So I must ask; WHY?  If you dislike the story to such a degree that you feel the need to review it, why do you want to know if it updates?

Help me to understand.


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