Evil Black Poppies

Philosopher(s) Anybody?

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 12:55 PM


Yes, philosophy. EW. I'm home today, freezing with an incredible sinus infection. So it makes perfect sense that I'm doing a project for school, (I'm senior in high school at the ripe age of 18 :P ) right?

So our assignment is on philosophy and whatnot. Meaning, I'm pretty screwed because this is all going in one ear and out the other. 

But then I found this chestnut via google and I had to show it to you. It made me ROFL like crazy.


So I leave you with this... who's your favorite philosopher(s)? Why?



Who would win?

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 12:31 PM

Because my toddler is going through a Mickey vs Elmo phase, as in he can't decide between the two, my sick mind came up with the follow scenario.

Remember Celebrity Deathmatch from MTV? With the clay celebrities that would fight violently?

So I ask you, in a cage match up who would win?
















I have my money on the mouse, not sure why, but something tells me he'd win.


What two characters would you match up?


Help me please? :)

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 12:10 PM

Sort of odd topic, but I'm going to get my hair highlighted...Any color suggestions?


Robert as Heathcliff?

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 11:41 AM

So, Robert Pattinson isn’t fit to play Kurt Cobain. I agree. On the other hand, I believe that Pattinson would be perfect for the role of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights.

The anti-Pattinson, anti-Twilight crowd can laugh as much as they want. But nobody broods better than Robert Pattinson, and Emily Brontë’s Heathcliff is the broodingest of all brooding literature heroes. (Okay, so Pattinson is brooding above on the cover of the Italian Vanity Fair, but so what? One broods where one can.)

I’m assuming there’s absolutely no chance whatsoever that Andrea Arnold (replacing Peter Webber who had replaced John Maybury), currently working on another film adaptation of Brontë’s doomed love tale, will even consider Pattinson for the role of Heathcliff.

Too young? Too inexperienced? Too light-skinned? Too associated with Twilight? But with the right handling, I believe that Pattinson would be a brilliant Heathcliff. The intensity, the unpredictability, the danger are all there. True, his hair and features would have to be darkened some — but that’s what makeup artists are for. If they can make his face paler so he’ll look like Edward Cullen, they can also make it darker so he’ll look like Heathcliff.

Ironically, Robert Bernstein, one of the producers of the new film version, has actually told The Guardian that the new Wuthering Heights (adaptation by Olivia Hetreed) is getting off the ground thanks to the Twilight effect. (Wuthering Heights is one of Bella’s favorite books. "If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.")

"It’s clearly in the zeitgeist," Bernstein remarked. "Why is anybody’s guess, but people are absolutely obsessed with this doomed, romantic love that can only be achieved beyond death, or in the case of Twilight, by becoming a vampire."

As per the Guardian piece, current possibilities to play Heathcliff’s love, the willful Cathy, are Abbie Cornish, Natalie Portman, and Gemma Arterton. I’d opt for either of the first two.

Gossip Girl’s Ed Westwick was supposed to play Heathcliff, at least when Peter Webber was to direct the project. Nothing against Westwick, but is he (at 22) more mature than Robert Pattinson? Does he look more like Brontë’s dark — in spirit as much as in looks — hero? What about another previously mentioned possibility, Michael Fassbender? (Fassbender could actually be a good Heathcliff, too; that is, with the help of those talented makeup artists).

According to more recent reports, Arnold has been looking for an unknown — possibly of "gypsy" (Romany) origin. Personally, I believe looks are less important here than character, depth, and the ability to convey an enticing mix of passion and madness. After all, Heathcliff is a literary figure, not a historical one.

Former movie Heathcliffs include Laurence Olivier, Ralph Fiennes (did he look like Brontë’s hero?), and Timothy Dalton. Former Cathys include Merle Oberon, Juliette Binoche, and Anna Calder-Marshall.



So tell me Campers, who would YOU like to play Heathcliff and Cathy?  Do you think Rob would make a good choice? 

Personally, I think he could pull the acting off but I think he'd get a lot of negative feedback with the whole connection that Twilight has made with Wuthering Heights.  People would just think, "Oh he was just chose because this story was mententioned in Twilight."  You know what I'm saying?  Regardless, I wouldn't mind seeing him as Heathcliff.  Although, I also wouldn't mind Heathcliff being played by this guy...



Now in terms of Cathy, I could definitely see Natalie Portman portraying the character, however, I am also partial to this gal: 

I love Keira's acting and I think she would do an amazing job in this movie. 

NOW, tell me your thoughts!  Who do you think should be cast in this version of Wuthering Heights?  Do you even like Wuthering Heights?  Honestly, I have the book but I've never read it.  I don't even think I've seen a full film adaptation of it - only parts of one and I think it was the one with Timothy Dalton. lol  It's very sad... very.




Saturday April 17, 2010 at 11:13 AM


Discuss or show me your most erotic non-erotic things :)

Diana Wolfskill

Volturi Stories

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 10:45 AM

The previous post has me looking for stories that center on the Volturi or take place mainly in Volterra.  Suggestions?


Volturi Love!!!

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 10:15 AM

Tonight in the UK the first season of the prisoner starts starring Jamie Campbell Bower

In celebration of this amazing event, I would like to know what member of the volturi floats your boat.

Maybe Caius is your guy, or maybe you prefer the more sinister like Demetri.

Or maybe like me your owned by the beast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is there another Volturi man that has caught your eye?

I feel these gentlemen are often overlooked, so if you had to pick one (to, well you know) who would it be?

Edit: The Prisoner was awesome and Jamie was sooooooooooo pretty.  I really want to bite him!





Your Very First...

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 9:38 AM

We talk about our crushes all the time on here, but I want you to go waaay back in time... and remember who was your very first crush?

Was it

or was it one of these guys...

(my sister loved the white one)

My very first crush was...

He can sing, he can dance, he could conjure me up pretty ballgowns... it was true eight-year-old love.



Once upon a time. Plot. Happily Ever After.

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 9:27 AM

Good morrow, all!

I've just bought my daughter [aka me] all of the Disney Princess DVDs...She is 2 years old and I always make sure to stress the importance of the fearless/cool Disney Princess like, Mulan as well as the Damsels in Distress like, Sleeping Beauty.

I was wondering/hoping if any of you guys know of any [well-written] Twilight, ExB, fairtale-esque fanfiction.

 Oh, I do hope so.

If there aren't known FFs, wanna discuss how it could played out if such a tale would come to pass?

I know everyone here thinks Bella should be stronger, would a Cinder-bella be too much of a weakling?

Also, I LOVE fairytales "retold" with a twist, like Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, Witche's Boy and Goosegirl - also, very recently I read Ella enchanted and Princesses of Belmarre [sp?]

Le sigh.



[I hope this campfire ain't too lame]


Just saw this on the Twilight Saga facebook page

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 8:27 AM

OK, "FINAL" trailer...how many trailers have there been? I remember the 10 sec teaser and the one on the Walmart  New Moon DVD, were there any more?


How do you wake up?

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 7:15 AM

I'm barely functioning this morning. It's a crappy day here in michigan with 30 mph winds outside and just all around yucky. I'm drinking coffee like it's crack. I still can't keep my eyes open.

SO... are you a morning person? How do you fight the funk of tired and wake up? How long does it usually take you before you're alert? I know I'm seriously debating an ice cold shower... which could kill me but sounds like my only option by this point lol.

Gimme your wake up skills :)



Saturday April 17, 2010 at 7:09 AM


Has anyone else seen this?



Is this old or new? I haven't seen it before. Let the analysis begin..


Conjunction Junction, What's Your Function?

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 3:16 AM

Sorry.  The title has nothing to do with this post....oops.  It just got stuck in my head for some reason.

I'm sitting here, at 12:02 PM, Central Eastern time, willing my brain cells to work in a way that will allow me to intelligently complete my homework assignments before, well, tomorrow.  I am drinking a Monster, and eating peanut butter M&M's and peach gummies in an attempt to over load it with sugar and caffeine to counter act the effects of my medicine.  I'm sure most people on here have no idea, but I have epilepsy-aka, seizure disorder.  I have seizures...well, I did.  That's what the medicine is for.  But the medicine acts like a gatekeeper on my neurons so when it first kicks in, I get this groggy, fuzzy feeling like I can't think-because really, I can't.  It slows the neurons down so that they don't cause me to have a seizure.  Seizures are like an electrical storm happening inside the brain.  Neurons (the little electrical currents that act as messengers between the receptors) start traveling much faster than normal.  The brain can't interpret this, so it causes a seizure.  There are many different types of seizures, too.  There are the grand mal, which nearly everyone is familiar with-i.e., a person shaking out of control.  There are also other ones where there is no jerking or visible seizing, like mine. 

So, bottom line, I was wondering, how many of you have 'disabilities'? (Which, I hate that word, jsyk.  It makes me think of invalids.)  If you do, how do you deal with it?  Do others avoid you or treat you differently because of said disability?  Have you learned to live your life around it, if possible?  Do you have a support group made up of other people with similar disabilities as yourself?

I know that when I was diagnosed in high school, I didn't really think it was a big deal or something I needed to keep a secret.  Of course, I underestimated people and found myself with about 5 friends and feeling like I was Moses-because everywhere I'd go, people would literally move as far as they could from me, it was like opening the Red Sea.  Because, you know, my disorder was contagious and all.  Adults are more accepting (at least, some are.  Others don't want to be around because they don't want to be responsible if I have a seizure), and most are curious instead of cautious.

EDIT: One final question-Do you feel disabled at all?  Because I know I don't, it's just something I have to live with-a part of me.  My sister in law always acts as if I have these hurdles I have to get over daily just to survive or whatever, and I don't see it like that at all.  Of course, I may be biased. 

And I almost forgot, there's one more (see?  I'm so used to it I don't think about it!): I'm missing the connecting arteries and veins that connects the internal cartoid arteries and the vertabral arteries in my brain.  So, basically, the front and back of my brain get 2 different blood supplies.  Which, isn't a big deal....until you have a stroke.  The connecting arteries are pretty much God's failsafe to make sure that whichever half of your brain is affected by the stroke continues to receive blood.  Without those arteries connecting, you have a stroke-big, small, doesn't matter- and BOOM! dead.  Because of this and the fact that my Grandma and Grandpa on my dad's side passed away from strokes before they were 60, I've been told it is extremely dangerous for me to become pregnant.  By doing so either I could die, or both of us would.  The chances of both me and a baby making it through alive are about...5%?  something like that.  I found that out when I was 16.  Which is fine, I was planning on adopting anyway :)


It's the most wonderful time of the week!

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 2:44 AM

So, I am fucking piled right about now. Just got home from what we Saskatchewanians like to call "a pit party," which is basically partying outside, in a sand pit, with a giant bonfire. NO BIG DEAL OR ANYTING.

I wanna know how drunk you got this beautiful Friday night. I got to the point where I probably could puke if I took another sip of any type of alcohol. Why the fuck am I on the computer? LET'S HERE SOME FUCKTASTIC DRUNK STORIES.

Wanna hear my latest and greatest?

So, in SK, we're a bunch'a creeps. I'd seriously stay away if I was you, 'cause I even get creeped out sometimes, and I'm fucking creepy. So, there's this boy, Ryan, and he's been creepin' like a mofo for the past couple'a weeks. Whatevs, I can deal. But he's asked me flat out twice, in these exact words: "So, when are we gunna have sex. Mary?" NEVER FUCKING EVER, RYAN. And he's asked me to make out with him several times. And since I'm Drunky the Fuck-Clown tonight, I appeased him. I was nice. I told him I'd make out with him tomorrow night (tonight). MOTHER FUCKER. I GOTTA MAKE OUT WITH A BOY WITH BRACES.


(Even if you dont' wanna comment on the durnken sotries, at leadt commend me for being awesome at ypign wehn i'm puled)



Saturday April 17, 2010 at 2:16 AM

I've never bought anything from Lush before and after the campfire a few days ago, I gather they got the good stuff. So in a few days the fam dam and I will be going to Chicago for a short trip and I figured I better go. But I need your help. 

Is there a location that would be better to go to?

What should I buy?

In gratitude, a few of my favorite pictures.



Saturday April 17, 2010 at 12:45 AM

NO NO NO. Not that one..

Patterned Text Generator at TextSpace.net

 Bad BOY checklist


2 - Rocking bod - TICK

3- Sexy Smirk - TICK

4- Deadly Dimples - TICK

and a voice like whiskey soaked velvet draped over hot gravely coals............

and I AM DED

and so is Ranger Tor ;o) FEED US MOAR!

"Sing love songs, sing love songs so SINCEEEEEEEEEEEERE"




Saturday April 17, 2010 at 12:16 AM

I've missed out on 4 pages of FUN...... So Grrrr-ing right now!!!

That's all..... I just wanted to rant!

NO WAIT...... REC ME..... I've just finished reading Cascade & Cyanide & The Best Man (Grrr to you Bratty_Vamp for making me cry) And I'm waiting on updates for River Dam. And there are just too many fics out there I just don't know where to start. So rec me ANYTHING.... Would love to read a couple of oneshots & also some bonesfic :D

MUCH LOVE CAMPERS & for your time, son Jackson LUURVE



Edward/Bella forewarned

Friday April 16, 2010 at 11:43 PM

 I'm looking for some fics in which edward/bella (or both) know of the future that lies ahead for them (the future of the books), and therefore try and change it. Somewhere along the lines of "Changing the Future." I'm not talking about a "Reading Twilight" kinda thing where the cullens get the books and just read them outloud.


that's me in the corner

Friday April 16, 2010 at 11:11 PM


hey, i'm betaing some really good smut, and annie's post has inspired me.

let's talk about virginity.

the circumstances in which you lost it.  the boy.  the uncomfortable couch/backseat/basement floor/seedy bathroom/isle esme.  were you too young?  was it a conscious decision on your part?  spur-of-the-moment?

did it suck?

or are you waiting for marriage?  i commend thee, by the way, if'n you are.

come share your horror/sweet stories, campers. 

for ranger tor:




Sexy Times Playlist

Friday April 16, 2010 at 9:48 PM

Last week I tweeted some of my favorite sexy time songs & I thought it would be a fun campfire (hopefully it hasn't already been done).

Gimme your songs

First --- | >> | 1198 | 1199 | 1200 | 1201 | 1202 | 1203 | 1204 | 1205 | 1206 | 1411 | 1412 | --- Last
