

Saturday January 2, 2010 at 9:31 AM

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm new to ADF and a raging obessesed fic fan. I followed jandco and wtvoc over from I got into fanfic about six months ago. My best friend and I were talking about Breaking Dawn and wondering if there were any fanfics to fill in the blanks of what happened the wedding night (we're a little pervy like that...hehe)

Anywho, I literally Googled "Twilight Fanfiction" and came acrosss and thus began my unhealthy, drug-like obessesion.

I've never actually written anything, but am in the process of toying around with few ideas. It's just a matter of me getting the balls to actually write it down and share.

I look forward to getting to know you guys and reading some more amazing fics!


RosesandLilies04 :-)


Robert Pattinson Pictures

Saturday January 2, 2010 at 8:23 AM

This is a Campfire to think up a new term* for pictures of this man:

The banner ads on A Different Forest have been less than appealing lately. I kind of miss the ones for Twilight related merchandise and music and books, myself. I clicked on those ads and visited those sites. These new ones, no. Which got me thinking...MOST ads are generated by the content of the site. Word frequency can lead to banners that may appeal to the user of that site. (This makes sense for the advertiser to want to buy space when they are told that their ad will be seen by people who have an interest.)


Maybe this will help, maybe it won't. But it'll be fun just the same.

*hopefully you all know which old term I am thinking of  ;)


A likeable Bella

Saturday January 2, 2010 at 7:19 AM


I was chatting with my peeps over at Edwardville and we were discussing why we hate Bellas so often in fics.

We all had similar reasons, and we listed some of our liked Bellas and some of our least likeable Bellas.

Bright like the Sun Bella

A Rough Start Bella

Master of the Universe Bella

I like The Antidote Bella-she called Edward on his Hyprocritical way of trying to control Bellas future.I loved that!!

These were among our liked Bellas just to name a few..becuase there weren't many to choose from..


Since so many authors hang out here, It got me thinking....Would one of you Powers that Be like to make a contest about a Likeable Bella.

I guess the fic could be about anything, and the goal for the winner to write the most liked Bella out of the lot?

Do you guys think this would be a fun contest?

I have no clue how to do a contest or set up a poll or voting link or anything...I wouldn't be able to do it. I would be more than happy to be a judge, though.

Tell me what you think and if you are a savvy author and would like to do this contest..let me know or just do it.

I really don't care if I am not involved. I just want to like a Bella every once in a while dammit!

I am off to Zumba to work out and when I get back I want lots of responses!! :0)


The forest pic in the background

Saturday January 2, 2010 at 2:18 AM

Please tell me it is a pic from a founder of this site's location!  Because it is so not what the upper West Coast area looks like.  I'm in Victoria and  two hours away from Forks even with the ferry over to deal with, and it is still raining tonight!.  Like  ALWAYS!!!!!!!  That snow on the trees is really pretty, but scary as well since we don't get it  except on rare occassions. I like it rare.   Like really rare.  Or never. Pretty trees though.  But where is the RAIN pics? That Forks has?  It is going to rain all week long.  Like normal.  Cry with me!



This is totally FFA worthy...

Friday January 1, 2010 at 11:30 PM

hello campers. 

Happy New Year.  I hope you all enjoyed your first day of 2010.  My kids drove me crazy as usual, I can't wait for school to start on Monday!

I wanted to share something.  If you follow me on twitter then you already know that I am obsessed with this violin boy.  He's so freaking talented, it hurts.  He has some hot-potential maybe in about 4-5 years. (I really like musicians)

check him out~~


someone should write an Edward/violin fic.....those fingers.... gah!


Semi-FFA post

Friday January 1, 2010 at 10:36 PM


A little encouragement for writers and those who want to be...

Went to the Morgan Library and Museum in NYC with my husband and daughter earlier this week.  They had an original manuscript of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" on display.  It was entirely handwritten, of course.

You would not believe how many lines were crossed out and rewritten.  Entire paragraphs!  Almost full pages!  All I could think was, "Hell, if one of the master storytellers of Victorian literature was constantly editing and making changes...maybe there's hope for me."  And all of us!




Fav Movies!!!!

Friday January 1, 2010 at 9:58 PM

FFA is still going, so here's my contribution....

Hi everyone!!!! Happy New Year!!!!!

I just went to see this movie with some friends:

It was AMAZING!!!!!! The graphics are wonderful, and I liked the story line.

So I have a few questions for ya'll, choose 1 or a few or all to answer?

1. Do you like movies that have political themes behind it? Name some...

2. What is your fav movie you've seen lately?

3. What movie makes you cry every time?

4. What's your fav movie of all time?

5. What do you think are the defining movies of the time? I read an interview that said Avatar is the one all movies for the next few years are going to be compared to...IDK, but it WAS awesome.

6. Who's your favorite movie hero?

7. Who's your favorite movie villian?

Feel free to add your own.

My answers in the comments...





Friday January 1, 2010 at 8:58 PM

You're ~welcome.

More here. Post your favorites in the comments if you like.



Friday January 1, 2010 at 8:17 PM




It's still the free for all right?

Friday January 1, 2010 at 8:13 PM

Oh forest, I am a grumpasaurus this evening. I am headed back to school tomorrow, I took last quarter off, and as a result I had to give up my fucking awesome studio apartment. It was in a three story house in a quiet little neighborhood between campus and downtown. It was huge, had built in shelves, an old steam radiator, and crown moldings around all the windows. I loved it so.

Now I have to live in some lame ass cookie cutter apartment building with a keyless entry that any damn fool could break into with little effort. There are no charming little features, no silly quirks, I don't get to listen to the drunks walking home from the bars anymore.

To top it all off I don't have enough furniture to fill the one bedroom and den that come with my new place and apparently no one in my entire college town has a busted looking couch they are trying to get rid of. Between that and no internet or cable until Tuesday and having to go through the hassle of moving tomorrow I am down in the dumps. So I've come to you because you all are so good cheering me up whether you know it or not.

So here is what I am asking, please to be throwing a virtual house warming party tonight. I want to see pictures of the most awesome things in your houses. Wax philosophical about your kitchen aids. Compose odes to your vegetable gardens. Spam me with pics of new couches I can't afford. Anything related to home I want to see it.

I'll start, here is the sort of couch I would buy were I not a poor college student...




If I am mistaken and we are no longer posting all willy nilly please feel free to delete the post my modly friends.

Thus ends my pathetic tale.


Twilight Names

Friday January 1, 2010 at 7:54 PM

 So, I was at a party today of parents and toddlers and there was a three year old boy named Emmet (one T).  I asked how they came up with the name and the father said, "oh my wife read it in a book."  I immediately show my hand and say, "Yes!  The Twilight books, I was wondering if that was it."  No, it wasn't, Twilight.  Apparently there is another literary Emmet out there and I felt like an A-hole.  But I suppose they hear that  lot.  Anywho, I knew this was a good place to share the story and got me wondering:  Have you heard the twilight names out and about recently?  If you have kids or are planning on having kids, would you name them after any of the characters?  

As for me, when I was pregnant with my son three years ago, I remember my husband mentioning the name Jasper, but me thinking it was too close to Casper and dismissing it.  Now, having read the books, I like it a lot more.  I always loved Isabella but dh vetoed it and it's become very popular.  Have always also liked Edward since it's my dad's name but dh also wasn't a fan.  I like Alice and Rosalie a lot and while I've heard of several Alice babies, have not heard of Rosalie but wonder if it's now so obviously a twilight name that people hesitate.  



Time Passes...

Friday January 1, 2010 at 7:39 PM

This was Le Jen. 

This is her now.

See the difference?  Couple...single.

I figured the Campers can band together and offer her our favorite break up quotes, songs, movies...whatever. 

Don't be afraid to be cheesy or insensitive, she welcomes crap like that.

La Strana Musica

Contest My Cullen...

Friday January 1, 2010 at 6:53 PM


I was wondering. Any contests you want to pimp?

Since one of my many bizarre hobbies is reading contest entries, I was wondering if there are any contests you guys know of...

I'm going to pimp...

The To Go Amongst Mad People Contest

We all know that the other Cullens and Hales, as well as the humans, get love. But what about the pixie? Here's your chance to show us your best Alice!

Your turn...

PS. Remember to vote for who you want to win in the Mentalward Contest :-)


New Fic

Friday January 1, 2010 at 5:45 PM

So, yeah, this is my first post. I really hate having to self pimp and all, but here I am.


by Stormi2397




Summary: "When Carlisle finds a lost and homeless Isabella Swan in the woods, he takes her in, only to find out she has no voice. When will criminal Charlie Swan come back to take his daughter, and kill her? If it's up to the Cullen home: never. How can you scream when you have no voice to scream with?"


[Sorry if I seem self centered, or breaking any rules here. I love ADF, and thought I could start campfires now!]



Friday January 1, 2010 at 4:35 PM

ok, so it's New Years day.

I'm sick in bed, wondering why I've gotten sick 3 times in the last 2 months when I usually only get sick once a year.

And there's a Buffy marathon going on.

an amazing silver lining to a crappy day if you ask me :)

and I'm talking to tkmoon about this fabulous new fic called Dear Isabella, and about how she's read it and she knows things, and i'm jealous.

and then I checked my facebook where my cousin posted pics from her trip to forks yesterday and I saw this:

and my only thoughts were "EW!"

How are you spending your first day of this brand new year?


Jandco and wtvoc ALL NEW STORY

Friday January 1, 2010 at 3:47 PM

That's right people. an

ALL NEW story by VIP authors and all around FANTASTIC RANGERS



Come talk about it in here:

Rumor has it that ADF is the place to be for this fic. Stick around for more! :)


And now for something new...

Friday January 1, 2010 at 3:41 PM

Don't know if these authors are any good. Jandco and With the Vamps. Hmmm. Never heard of 'em. But they got this new story started in the storytelling section. Might be worth checking out on this fine New Year's Day.

Dear Isabella



I solemnly swear that...

Friday January 1, 2010 at 1:53 PM


Okay, so I am kind of a new camper here, actually new to the whole fandom if I want to be honest and its cold camping out here in the January forest, so I thought I'd light a campfire and try to get to you people to join so I could get to know you. And what better way to do that than to share new year's resolutions, assuming you're into that sort of thing. I'll start.

1. Try not to read fanfic later than 2 AM on a weekday. -- Sad but at least its realistic.

2. Stop biting my nails.

3. Get bf to understand why me being in the room while he's playing xbox is not 'quality time'. -- Probably bf is a whole can of worms better left forgotten

4. Get back the clothes my sister stole from me.

5. Get back the Christmas presents my sister stole form me.

6. Actually wear the shoes I buy -- they're sitting all piled up in the closet.

7. Read the 120 books gathering up on my nightstand.

8. Go to the gym

9. Study and pass my exams

10. Be nicer to my family, friends and people who deserve it -- actually my sister suggested this.

+1 after new year's eve: Always 'check for paper' before leaving the toilet. 

So here it is. Don't be shy. I'm really curious. And this was so hilarious, I just had to share it:

robert pattinson


Doctor Who :(

Friday January 1, 2010 at 12:54 PM

So I know that most of you in the US or where ever you happen to be right now may not know about, or don't really care about a little show we have over here in the UK, it's called Dr Who.

I love this show to a ridiculous degree, and today was the final episode of David Tennant's Doctor. So therefore I am in mourning. I'm using that as my excuse for a completely un-twilight related post.

Did anyone else watch it? Your thoughts? First impressions of the new guy?

David Tennant

Damn I am going to miss him, my favorite Doctor ever.

So my dear rangers please feel free to delete this post whenever, I know it completely breaks to rules. But I am sad, so had to post it anyway.


Porn on ADF

Friday January 1, 2010 at 11:53 AM

Um, does anyone else have ads at the top of their ADF page in what looks like German, showing naked chicks? I know we get kinda rowdy and randy here, but my kids are in the room and it's really not appropriate. Is there any way to get rid of that, ASAP? Rangers???

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