
Trying to Find a Fic! E/B/T

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 11:57 PM

Hey! I need help finding the FIRST ever Twilight Fanfiction that I read a while back. I'm sure it was on Fanfiction.net but the story pot is so big that I can't find it again.


It's about Edward meeting Bella when he's still in a relationship with Tanya. There are three parts to this story, with each chapter in a different POV. The first chapter is in Tanya's POV. What I remember is Edward meeting Bella when she drives into Edward's car. They go have coffee, and Edward lies about having a girlfriend because he's is immediately attracted to her. The story is retold in each other their POVs.


It was the first fic, and I adored it. It's also one of the few fics where Tanya is not hated as the "other woman".


Thank you! I hope someone has read it and remembers the name.


Eclipse Midnight Screening

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 10:41 PM

Hello everyone, its been a while in between campfires and I would like to know




I just booked mine last night, if anyone is from my neck of the woods, I will be at Hoyts, Chadstone Shopping Centre 30th June 2010 (my birthday btw) at 10pm getting ready to ogle the beautiful Edward Cullen in the movie of the best book in the whole Twilight Series.


On another topic completely I was wondering if I could get some prayers happening for my niece as she is pregnant with twins and at 26 weeks she and the babies are in a bit of trouble.  She is in hospital and the doctors are really looking after her, but a little prayer would not hurt at all at the moment.  She is named after me, Jennifer and she is a team Edward but she is going to name one of them Jacob.

Thanks everyone

Edit:  Sorry Rangers I did not check with you about this add on.  Hope its ok!



Number of Reviews - Does it matter?

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 10:26 PM

Just a general question - do you think the number of reviews a fic already has determines if other people read that fic?

For example, if a fic has a low number of reviews, do you think people overlook it because they think its not popular enough to be a great story??

I've noticed fics with more reviews tend to draw in more readers. What do you think??

I for one think its a shame that smaller fics (as in small number of reviews) get overlooked, simply because the author may not play such an active role in the fandom etc.

Leave your thoughts.


Name that fic!!

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 10:07 PM

I read a fic back last summer (like September, 09) that ended with Edward killing *or almost killing* Bella during erm, intercourse, in the meadow.  It also included some awesome insights into Charlie's mind (through Edward's perspective, mindreading skills, natch) and I CANNOT for the life of me find it again to find out whatever happened at the end..I seem to recall Jacob being involved finding her in a compromising...and, erm broken as per Edward's worst fears in that sort of situation....PLEASE tell me someone out there knows what I am talking about and can name that fic!  I would be grateful as I have *literally* searched for months to read the *hopefully happy* ending of that tale.  Please help me out?

Starry, newbie (ok not newbie but a long time lurker with the courage to ask a weird question)


EasyPeezy way to grab stories off blogs!

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 9:45 PM

I found this website (not affiliated with it) while looking for a way to grab stories off blog without having to copy and paste.    This site is soooo easy!     You plug in the URL and it shoots you back a PDF almost instantly.


I just snagged a 38 chapter story in not a long amount of time.  

(PS if this ain't okay to post please feel free to delete!)


Jasper/Jackson Love

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 9:40 PM

 So this is what happens when I have a weekend with no homework to keep me occupied, I spend time in the forest, on ff.net and on youtube. 

Tonight I am looking for pic spam or stories of any rating or videos of Jackson or Jasper. 

Here are some treats for your time :)




I know another fic rec OMG

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 9:35 PM

SO I asked this in Emibella's campfire but she said it would make a good campfire question so here I am asking my question.

Im kind of over the side stories with A/J and R/Em. Lately whenever I see it I just get so annoyed that I a) skim over it till its back to E/B or b) flounce the fic. I know thats a little harsh but thats just how over I am with them.

So what Im looking for is a E/B story without ALL (some of them is fine) the other Cullens in the picture, and if they are I want them not to be paired up or end up paired at the end. Does that make any since???

 So think Unraveled Knot by twistedcoincedence and SoaPM by LaViePastiche

And I know we always have fic rec campfires but I did try to make this a little more interesting and please be kind its my first campfire, hopefully I can get more then embers going here.


Rec me something

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 9:23 PM

 I want new fic. requirements:


Sweet AND badass Bella

normal teenager edward (no deep psychological traumas hidden behind a bad boy facade or any of that). but he doesnt need to be edward specifically. he can be jasper or jake or emmett or peter (?). lolol.

rated T, or if its rated M no porn lemons. 



I'm sorry, I just have to. :D

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 9:12 PM

*edit- I don't know about you, but this makes me laugh like a mad man everytime I watch it. And that is quite frequently. 


How Do you Become An Artist at ADF

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 8:13 PM

I just wondered how do you become an  artist  on the carving section of ADF. I love to make banners for Fanfic and wallpapers and just wondered?


Do you want to know?

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 7:54 PM

How do you feel about people pointing out grammar and spelling mistakes to you?
Usually I keep my mouth shut and either suffer through them or stop reading, but I'm wondering if you appreciate the feedback. Only once have I mentioned it to someone and she is a friend and I was able to do it in gchat. She said she appreciated the help, which is good because I was nervous about saying anything.
If someone did say something would you prefer it to be friends only?
Has anyone done this with you? How did they do it? Did you make the changes?
There are stories that I really like, but my enjoyment is killed by so many errors. I'd love to be able to say something and help out both the author and myself. (I really don't think we need to go over the whole being respectful thing again. To me that's a given.)

How about you? If you are a beta would you appreciate or loathe someone pointing out errors that were left in the story?
Would you accept the criticism from a stranger?

Everyone (because I haven't included you yet):
What does the role of beta mean to you? What expectations do you have of a beta? I ask this because I'm always sort of amazed at all the glaring mistakes that I sometimes see left in stories even when there are 2, 3+ betas thanked by the author.
What expectations do you have of a writer before they post?

Anything else on this topic I'm forgetting?

Some boy porn since it's a slow night.




Anything..anything at all.

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 7:35 PM

 Hmonster's thread was so fun to read and my fellow rangers have also offered themselves up so I thought it was about time I put myself out there for your personal use. That's right:


Ask Emibella ANYTHING! 


Seriously, anything at all. Stuff about ADF, stuff about writing, advice, personal stuff or anything you can think of.

I will answer it to the best of my ability and will only veto if I must. I promise. Like I always say, I am here for YOU.



Saturday April 17, 2010 at 6:47 PM

I am watching PANIC ROOM.



What is the rating system for fics here?

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 6:09 PM

and what is the guidelines for each rating?

... I'm just being curious and can't seem to find anything regarding this.


Project Team Beta?

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 2:56 PM

So I would really like to try being a beta.  Several people have recommeded the Project Team Beta website and I went and filled out the Beta Application.  It's been awhile and I haven't heard anything from them.  Should I have gotten any sort of confirmation that they received my application?  Not sure what to do from here.... any thoughts???


**Edit: If you're someone looking for a Beta and wouldn't mind having someone new to it, let me know!


What do you want to know?

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 2:27 PM

 It's a dreary Saturday afternoon here - the mini and I are hanging out, watching a movie and I have some time free.  So I offer it up ADF.

Have a q on ff? Need a sounding board? Want me to convince you to fall in love with Em?

let 'em rip -- and If you are chilling and want to field questions, jump on in, the water's warm.


Love/hate relationship with the 'traffic' button

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 1:43 PM

Hey campers. I recently started moving some fic from LJ to ffn and am still getting to know the site. The traffic section? So not cool. I don't want to see that 93 people visited my story and didn't review it. How do you deal? I always eyerolled at authors who begged for reviews (and sometimes wouldn't review *because* of the begging, which is maybe spiteful) but now I get it.

In any case, I think the traffic counter thing is unhealthy for a person like me.

And for discussion's sake- do you always review when you enjoy a story? I try to make an effort when I see that they don't have a ton of reviews or if I have something to say other than "good job, thanks!" but otherwise I won't say anything. Authors with lots of readers- does the 2077th review really matter anymore?

hoping this is relevant, I didn't get any sort of ranger approval (apparently I'm still figuring out how y'all work too)


ETA: Thanks everyone! I totally wish I had time to comment back to everyone but this is the most posting I've gotten on a campfire before, hah. So thanks for your input, I mostly just wanted to share my neuroses and commiserate ;) which you all helped with. As an aspiring novelist who rarely writes fic anymore (the stuff I've posted is the HP fic I'm particularly fond of from a while ago) I really just wanted to get some feedback in a casual setting, you know? That's why *I'm* eager for reviews. I may have to try to lay off the traffic section though.


In need of a beta!

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 12:59 PM

Hey all!

I was wondering if there is anyone out there who has the time and would like to beta my story. My last beta was too busy so i'm left on my own.


Link http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4804142/1/No_Emotion

I have already posted 10 chapters, which are already beta'd.

Evil Black Poppies

Philosopher(s) Anybody?

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 12:55 PM


Yes, philosophy. EW. I'm home today, freezing with an incredible sinus infection. So it makes perfect sense that I'm doing a project for school, (I'm senior in high school at the ripe age of 18 :P ) right?

So our assignment is on philosophy and whatnot. Meaning, I'm pretty screwed because this is all going in one ear and out the other. 

But then I found this chestnut via google and I had to show it to you. It made me ROFL like crazy.


So I leave you with this... who's your favorite philosopher(s)? Why?



Who would win?

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 12:31 PM

Because my toddler is going through a Mickey vs Elmo phase, as in he can't decide between the two, my sick mind came up with the follow scenario.

Remember Celebrity Deathmatch from MTV? With the clay celebrities that would fight violently?

So I ask you, in a cage match up who would win?
















I have my money on the mouse, not sure why, but something tells me he'd win.


What two characters would you match up?

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